
All persons seeking entrance to the Ground acknowledge the Club’s right to search any person entering the Ground and to refuse entry to or eject from the Ground any person refusing to submit to such a search.

Admission to this ground, and the right to remain, is on condition that the spectator shall not:-

  • Chant or sing insulting, homophobic, indecent or racist songs
  • Make insulting or indecent gestures or use foul, abusive, homophobic or racist language
  • Throw any object within the Ground without lawful authority or excuse
  • Use threatening behaviour likely to endanger or offend players, officials and other spectators
  • Enter the ground with alcohol or consume alcohol or take glass vessels outside of the licensed areas
  • Enter with or activate fireworks, flares, smoke canisters, air horns or laser devices on the premises
  • Deface any notice or advertisement within the Club premises or add graffiti to any surface
  • Intentionally damage any Club property or remove any fixture or fitting from its current standing
  • Encroach on the playing area or any adjoining part to which spectators are not generally admitted
  • Obstruct gangways, exits and entrances, steps and like places
  • Climb on any building, wall,fence
  • Fail to comply with any and all instructions from a Club Steward, Club Official or Police Officer

The Club reserves the right to eject from the Ground any person failing to comply with any of the Ground Regulations or whose presence within the Ground is, or could, reasonably be construed as constituting a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance to any other person.

CCTV is in operation.

Entry to the Ground shall constitute acceptance of the Ground Regulations