
Football Association Rule 2.13 (Publication of Ownership)

The legal status of Leamington Football Club Limited identified by Company Number 01756713, takes the form of a Private Limited Company (incorporated 28th September 1983) and limited by shares.

As at 21 January 2025 there were 449 shareholders holding 100% of the shares.

Individual shareholdings representing a significant interest in the company (10% or more):

Russell William Davis
Nicholas Jonathan Sproul

Registered Office

Your Co-op Community Stadium
Harbury Lane
Bishops Tachbrook
Leamington Spa
CV33 9QB 


Jim Scott (Chairman)
Russell Davis
Mark Edwards
Graham Moody
Oliver Spencer
Nic Sproul
Kevin Watson

Accountants & Auditors

Murphy Salisbury
15 Warwick Road
Stratford Upon Avon
CV37 6YW